Cole Rush
Writer and bookworm for hire.
Howdy, and welcome to my website! I'm Cole Rush, a Chicago-native freelance journalist and writer.
Great news! You can hire me to write for YOU! I promise I won't use this many exclamation points in my finished piece. Unless you pay more for them, in which case, WOW!!!!!!!!
Have a look around, explore my portfolio, and get in touch!

The Story So Far...
You'll often find me sporting a dreamy, far-off look or with my nose stuck in a book. I pursue stories relentlessly, seeking out the best and brightest in the sci-fi and fantasy genre. Books, movies, TV, music, stage productions...I gobble them all up with a bookwormish fervor.
I write critical analysis and pop culture lists for Tor.com.
You can find my book reviews and various explorations of storytelling at The Quill To Live: Your guide to every world but this one.
In April 2020, a sudden-but-welcome job change spurred me to don the freelance gauntlets and try my hand as a pen for hire. Since relinquishing my grip on the corporate torch, I've joined the ranks of Catena Media as a contributing writer and iGaming Business North America as a features writer. Explore my portfolio to read my most recent work.
The gambling industry pays the bills, but now I'm actively on the hunt for projects that overlap with my passions. Here's a small smattering of my favorite things:
Science fiction and fantasy books
Reality competition shows (current faves: RuPaul's Drag Race and Survivor)
Video games
Dungeons & Dragons
Strategy and board games
Cats (I've got two of 'em)
Music: playing, listening, live shows, I love it all
Broadway musicals
Sports betting
Technology and gadgets
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